

All systems are to be manufactured have a risk assessment carried to help indicate where and what the risks are. This then helps to design out the risks to ensure that the correct safety equipment is selected and utilized so the system will operate safely and as designed. When the safety device is called into operation it will function as designed and stop the equipment safely.


Some examples we have utilised are below;

  • Emergency Stop
  • Guard Switches
  • Two hand controls
  • Light Curtains
  • Fortress Interlocks
  • Pressure relief valves
  • Burst discs


Manufactures for safety equipment selection include the likes of Pilz, Siemens, Sick, BIS, Emerson and Haskel etc.

To help the operators operate the system correctly and safely operating instructions are supplied and training where required. Maintenance schedules are detailed to help inspect and maintain the system throughout its lifetime. Part of the inspection is periodic testing of safety equipment prior to use to confirm operation prior to use and help indetify any issues.

Health and Safety

Health and Safety of our employees, contractors and clients is undertaken as a priority. H & S conforming to employment standards, HASWA 1974 and MGSWR 1999


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